Sunday, August 24, 2008

Portfoilo item 1- W2T1

Based on article 1

Eddie Thosman once said, “A brilliant invention only remains as one until the public has the knowledge to use it”- a quotation from a book that I read in the past. Engineering inventions, no matter how good, require the public to understand them before they can be useful to the general public. I believe this is most important to engineers’ profession. It should be engineers’ priority to educate the public in both the engineering fields and the education system an engineer goes through. Only by equipping the public with such knowledge, then will they be more willing to try out products from the engineering fields and be able to extract the most out of it. This then maximise the benefits of engineering to the human population in term of the numbers and the quality of the improvement made to their lives.

Allowing the public to understand engineering also helps in fund raising for engineering related projects. The democratic system of today’s political world forces politicians to focus on what is more popular among the crowd so as to get more support for the next election. By raising public awareness in the engineering aspect and thus raising their interest in this field, it will encourage government agencies to be more supportive of such projects and it’s easier for them to convince the public for their reasons for doing so.

As stated in article 2, Pro Seeram Ramakrishna mentioned that engineering graduates are skilled in analysing, problem solving and also possess some orgainsational skills. In the process of production and manufacturing, these skills are essential to engineers and therefore it’s of no surprise that they are taught are in the curriculum. By understanding the process of engineering, the general public can uncover many skills that engineers have that are also applicable in non engineering context. This helps engineers when looking for jobs outside engineering industry and gives more insight to those who may want to take up a course in the engineering field.

In conclusion, the importance of educating the public not only maximise the benefits of engineering to the society and also helps engineers in their work through easier ways to gain support and attract more talents into this field given that the education in engineering equip them with skills that are also valuable in non engineering industries
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